
This blog is mainly written by me, Rob Bowden, but others are welcome to submit items and where that is the case they are clearly credited for their contribution to the dialogue.

Although related to the work I do for Lifeworlds, and in particular for one of its core projects, Learning Through Values, this blog is a space for wider reflections, musings and random moments.

The idea of Values Soup is simple, in that I see the role of values within learning as much like homemade soup.  Each soup will be different according to the available ingredients and the degree of seasoning added. This is the charm of homemade soup to me – instantly familiar, but often with a little surprise that assaults your senses and may even (and I’ve made the odd one of these) stop you in your tracks.

Engaging with values and learning, whether in schools, organisations or communities is very like this to me and I am never quite sure of what the ingredients will be on the day, but always fascinated to watch them come together (or not!) and to learn through that process.

If you are interested in values, learning and how these combine to inform and shape our lives and futures, then I invite you to join me and try the soup, add to the soup, enjoy or reject the soup, and make your own. A good stir is hard to resist!

3 thoughts on “About

  1. Rosa says:

    Hi Rob, happy to engage in this discussion and search…..and I make good soup!

  2. Rob Bowden says:

    Thanks Rosa and great to have your voice! I look forward to mixing it up with you and others in November when we get together in Edinburgh. I feel there is a great opportunity to seize the moment around values and learning and that if WE don’t there are some rather worrying voices that will quickly fill the void.

  3. Rosa says:

    I agree Rob and though I have little positive to say about Mr Gove, his policies and views have stirred up thinking and a sense of urgency to reclaim the language and sense of integrity around values and learning through values. Look forward to our journeys and debates.

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